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- 20-1학기에 OpenSource Software Lab 수업에서 진행한 개인 미니 프로젝트입니다.
- This program calculates the scores of OSSL classes and prints out the scores and credits in a report format.
- System control in the manner selected to the menu.
- This system will make it easier to manage students’ scores.
Syntax highlight linkedlist - in C Language
typedef struct node { char name[20] ; char number[20] ; int attend ; int midterm ; int project ; int assign ; struct node * next ; } node_t ; typedef struct linkedlist { int length ; struct node * first ; struct node * last ; } linkedlist_t ;
Receive a number, 0 to 9, and 99 from the user.
If enter 0, print all members
Below that, the list currently stored in the program is printed.
If enter 1, Add a new member
This is a function that receives information about name, student’s numbers, and their scores.
If enter 2, Remove a member
Enter the student’s numbers that you want to delete.If an invalid value has been entered, it will continue to ask to put correct numbers.
If enter 3, Modify a member
Show the currently student. and wait to enter the student number.
If enter 4, Open a file
Below report.txt file open
If enter 5, Save a file
Below report.txt file save
If enter 6, Clear all members
Delete data stored in the program.
If enter 7, Sorts the data
If the menu contains negative numbers, we set it in ascending order and descending order if it is positive.
If enter 8, Search the members
Enter the element you want to find and output the student that contains the value. Outputs is only at the same value
If enter 9, Member statistics
Only the currently stored grade of the linked list is extracted and represented as percentages. Create a simple bar chart using the percent array created. Afterwards, the percentages for each grade are printed together.
vi report.txt
No. 4 and 5 refer to this text file.
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